For any further inquiries about finding a supervisor, please find the contact information as follows.

School of Forestry Liu, Xiaoying [email protected]
School of Landscape Architecure Guo, Zijing [email protected]
School of Economics and Management Ma, Yetong [email protected]
School of Environmental Science and Engineering Cao, Yuqing [email protected] 
School of Ecology and Nature Conservation Wang, Zhizhuang [email protected]
School of Technology Li, Kun [email protected]
School of Water and Soil Conservation Zhao, Dandan [email protected]
School of Grassland and Science Xing, Fangru [email protected]
School of Art and Design Jin, Jing  [email protected]
School of Materials Science and Technology Wang, Luying [email protected] 
School of Biological Sciences and Techbology Yang, Di  [email protected] 
School of Information Science and Technology Xu, Tong [email protected]
School of Science Yu, Fuling [email protected]
School of Humanity and Social Sciences  Su, Lin [email protected]

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