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Keywords to Understand China on Ecological Civilization ▏(9)Resource Conservation and  Environmental Protection: a Basic  National Policy



Editor's note: Xi Jinping thought on ecological civilization is an important component of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It provides fundamental principles and guidance for action in the new era. It is of great significance to spread, explain and publicize Xi Jinping thought on eco-civilization internationally. In answer to the national project, Beijing Forestry University takes the construction of ecological civilization as the driving force and development foundation. BFU takes it upon the shoulder to strengthen publicity and education on ecological civilization and promote green technology innovation, making Xi Jinping Thought on Eco-civilization dominate the whole process and every field of talent cultivation. BFU has been committed to raising green awareness among young people and promoting action to implement Xi Jinping Thought on Eco-civilization.

To provide a brief summary of Xi Jinping thought on eco-civilization, we have the pleasure of sharing with all interested parties at home and abroad the bilingual Materials on Eco-civilization in the New Era are, with the aim of promoting international comprehension of ecological civilization, one of the keywords to understand China, and helping the public learn more about the environment, so as to creat a collective international collective force in the publicity of the Thought.


farmers in Shijiazhuang city are busy with autumn harvest before Cold Dew(from Xinhuanet)


Resource Conservation and  Environmental Protection: a Basic National Policy

20 世纪 80 年代和 90 年代,保护环境和节约资源先后成为中国的基本国策。中共十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的中共中央,不断加大节约资源和保护环境基本国策的实施力度,坚决打赢打好污染防治攻坚战。2013 年 5 月,中共中央政治局就大力推进生态文明建设专门进行了集体学习。习近平强调,节约资源是保护生态环境的根本之策。要大力节约集约利用资源,推动资源利用方式根本转变,加强全过程节约管理,大幅降低能源、水、土地消耗强度,大力发展循环经济,促进生产、流通、消费过程的减量化、 再利用、资源化。良好生态环境是人和社会持续发展的根本基础。环境保护和治理要以解决损害群众健康突出环境问题为重点,坚持预防为主、综合治理,强化水、大气、土壤等污染防治,着力推进重点流域和区域水污染防治, 着力推进重点行业和重点区域大气污染治理。

Resource conservation and environmental protection  became a basic national policy in the 1980s. Since 2012, the central authorities have made more effort to ensure the implementation of this policy and fight pollution. The CPC central leadership had a group study session on the subject of  eco-civilization in May 2013.

Xi Jinping pointed out at the study session that resource conservation is essential to protect the environment. China needs to conserve resources and use them efficiently, bring about a fundamental change in the way resources are utilized, increase whole-process conservation control, and drastically  reduce the consumption of energy, water and land resources per unit of GDP. The country needs to vigorously develop a circular economy to reduce resource consumption and waste  generation, and re-use and recycle waste in the process of production, distribution and consumption.

A sound ecological environment is the foundation for sustainable development. Emphasis should be placed on  addressing serious environmental problems that pose health hazards to the people, and on taking a holistic approach to preventing and controlling water, air and soil pollution, with  the focus on water pollution in key river basins and on air pollution in key regions and industrial sectors.

(From Keywords to Understand China: Ecological Civilization)
